Virginia Real Estate License Course

Online School based in Virginia. 
The only real estate school with 5 star google reviews.
 Now 30% off with promo code 30VA at checkout. Only $196.

All plans include the Virginia real estate pre-license course “Principles of Real Estate”.  This qualifies you to take the official PSI license exam.  The online course is approved by DPOR and the Virginia Real Estate Board to meet the 60 credit hour requirement. The options include a full video exam prep, a QBank with practice exams (over 1,000 questions), and the Accelerator business building course and coaching for first year licensees. 

Course Only

Approved for License
$ 196 w/ promo code 30VA
  • Required Course
  • Instructor 24/7
  • Practice Q&As
  • Super Summary PDF

Plus Video Prep

Adds Video Exam Prep
$ 266 w/ promo code 30VA
  • Required Course
  • Instructor 24/7
  • Practice Q&As
  • Super Summary PDF
  • Video Exam Prep

Pro Track

Adds 1,000+ Q&A Prep
$ 336 w/ promo code 30VA
  • Required Course
  • Instructor 24/7
  • Practice Q&As
  • Super Summary PDF
  • Video Exam Prep
  • QBank Exam Prep

Accelerator Plan

Adds Business Builder
$ 525 w/ promo code 30VA
  • Required Course
  • Instructor 24/7
  • Practice Q&As
  • Super Summary PDF
  • Video Exam Prep
  • QBank Exam Prep
  • Career Builder, Live Coaching

Course options: Quick Summary
Pre-License Course
– required course to get your real estate license. Details.
Plus Video Prep–  adds a complete video exam prep course to prepare you to pass the exam. Details.
Pro Prep Plan– adds over 1,000 practice exam questions, customizable in every subject. Details
Accelerator Plan- adds a live and online program on getting business after you get your license. Details

How do you get a Virginia real estate license?

You can get a Virginia license by taking an approved  Virginia Real Estate License Course.  After you complete the course you take the board-required proctored final exam. We provide the proctor at no additional charge to you. We send you our instructor’s exclusive study notes to help with this exam and the licensing exam.

Our online course is currently at a 30% discount.   You can complete the course at your own pace.  Log in and out anytime.  This course prepares you for the national and state portions of the official state exam by PSI.  The course has reading sections, short quiz questions, videos, unit summary and unit exams.   

How long does it take to complete the course?  You could complete the course within a week or two, but most students have work or family obligations and take a couple months.  You have 6 months to complete the online course.  You need to complete all units and spend the state-required minimum 50 hours on the course (which equals the 60 hour classroom requirement).  Our instructor is available 7 days a week and provides a review after the course exam.   Contact us or see our complete FAQ page if you have more questions.

Is the course DPOR approved?   Yes. Our online pre-license course is approved by DPOR to get your license. We have been an approved school since 2003 and always offered courses online.  Our instructor is certified and an active broker in Northern VA.  School name is Act Web Real Estate School.

What is the difference between a salesperson license and a broker license?  A salesperson license requires the approved course, the license exam and then works under a broker.   A broker license basically requires 3 years experience as a salesperson, a broker course and a broker license exam. Details for those eligible to upgrade to a broker license here.

Is it mostly reading, quiz questions, videos?  Is there a demo?   Yes, there is a new demo showing that the course has all of that.  See the 2 minute course demo by Paul, the VaRealtySchool owner and instructor, who is also available during your course..

The DPOR approved license course to get your Virginia license

* DPOR-approved online pre-license courseDPOR approved School License #0211000407.  Course approval # 0214020980.
* Log in and out anytime.  Complete 31 units covering national and state real estate.  Virginia requires 50 hours online minimum.  You get a full six months to complete the course.  Our instructor is available during your entire course. 
Sign up   – Get started toward a new career! 

New! See Paul’s  video demo of the real estate license course.  (2 minutes in the actual course)

Ten reasons to choose to get your VA license

1.  We are a Virginia school, not an out-of-state company.  We specialize in Virginia.  Take the course anywhere.
2.  Our licensed instructor is an active Virginia broker, a Virginia lawyer and the school owner.  Compare that to out of state schools with a hired instructor.
3.  Our instructor is available for questions 7 days a week by email, text or phone   Other schools may have an instructor to contact by email only, no weekends, no evenings.
4.  With our course, you can always view the correct quiz and unit exam answers  during the course.   You won’t have to go back and search the course content.
6.  Our online software course is compatible with mobile phones and tablets as well as desktop computers.
7. Act Web has 5 star google reviews.  Other schools might show reviews on their own site they choose to show, and they may not be only from their Virginia course.  Our reviews are unfiltered google reviews about our Virginia course.

More included in the low price?  YES!  See our special exclusive “bonus” advantages !
8.  Bonus 1 – Our course includes Free course exam review to help you prepare for the official state “PSI” exam.  Instructor provides a personalized review based on your answers.  Compare to other schools that have a pass or fail on-your-own approach and no feedback on your exam. Their exams cost extra, not ours.
9.   Bonus 2 – You get our Instructor’s Exam Prep Super Summary with a 1-2 page pdf easy-to-read summary of each subject that you will have on the national and Virginia portions of the license exam by PSI.  Our instructor created these popular notes based on his knowledge of Virginia real estate law as a licensed VA instructor, broker and attorney.
10.  Bonus 3PRICE!  Get 30% off our license course packages with this limited time special.  You don’t have to pay for the national chain schools with high-priced courses and s
o-called upgrades. All packages include the online course, Instructor’s Super Summarycourse exam, free retakes and instructor’s personal review of questions you got wrong. Other schools have a large national staff (overhead) that you pay for. We don’t. Our staff is local and in Virginia, no matter where you live.

We have 5 star google reviews for a reason.  Click sign up, create an account, pay by credit card and start the course!

What if I have questions?  See our FAQ or contact us online.  If you want to discuss your situation, call us at 703-476-1747.  Our instructor Paul Hartke, a Virginia broker, is available to answer questions entered on our contact page and can speak with you directly at any time during the course.  You can reach him at his real estate office in Northern Virginia at 703-860-4600 ext 411.

Is this course approved by Virginia and DPOR?  Yes, since 2003.

Does the course work with tablet and phone as well as desktop and laptop computers?  Yes.  See system requirements if any question.

Can I take the school exam online?  Yes.  We proctor the exam anywhere as long as the computer you use has a webcam.  No cost (other schools charge if they do it).  You can also take the exam at our Reston (Northern VA) office with our instructor, Paul.  He will review and give feedback in person or, if online, by email.

How do I log in to the course?  You will receive a link after you sign up.  

Will I have access to instructor?  Yes, Paul Hartke is a licensed instructor and active Virginia broker (and a lawyer).  He is available 7 days a week by email at or by phone at 703-675-5550.  He also grades your school exam and lets you know what you got wrong (no other school does that).

Do I need books?  No.  Books are not required for the online course since it is designed to cover all you will need for the PSI license exam.  They are available in our exam prep section if desired.

How do I take the PSI license exam?  After you pass our course, you take the PSI exam.  It has national and Virginia state portions.  Our course prepares you for both portions.  See our Virginia PSI exam page.  After passing the exam by PSI, you apply for your license.

What is a difference between a Virginia broker license and an agent or salesperson license?  A person who does not have to work under another broker in Virginia needs a broker license.  A broker license basically requires 3 years experience and and a broker exam.  One must first be licensed as an agent in Virginia which is called a salesperson license.   See broker license information here.

Can I get a license by reciprocity if I am licensed in another state?   Yes, most likely.  If you have an active license in another state that has the minimum 60 hour pre-license course like Virginia, you can usually apply for a license by reciprocity by taking only the Virginia portion of the PSI exam.  See our reciprocity page for details.  We also have a broker reciprocity page.

More questions?  See our FAQ page.