Virginia real estate Broker License by reciprocity

A Virginia real estate broker is a higher form of a licensee compared to a real estate agent which Virginia refers to as a salesperson.  A Virginia broker can run their own business as a sole proprietor or be the principal broker of a real estate company. One can also be an associate broker and still work under the supervision of a principal broker.  Here is a link to the Virginia Real Estate Board website  (page with forms for Brokers).  Requirements to get a Virginia broker license by reciprocity:

1- Active broker license in a state other than Virginia
Note:  You must have been actively engaged as a licensee (40 hours/week) for at least 36 months of the most recent 48 months. This can be provided simply by providing a signed Experience Verification Form that is available on the VA Board website.  Usually another broker who you know can fill it out to verify.
2- Proof of broker pre-license course in your state with minimum 180 hours
Note: If less than 180 hours in your state, you will need to take enough hours to meet the Virginia 180 hour requirement.  This includes your state and the Virginia broker pre-license.  There are 4 courses of 45 hours each.  
Link to the broker pre-license courses if needed.
Scroll way down the page to see individual 45-hour courses.
Be sure that one of the courses you select is the 45 hour “Real Estate Brokerage” course which is absolutely mandatory by the Real Estate Board.

As stated, Real Estate Brokerage is a required course. The other courses are broker-specific:  Finance, Appraisal and Real Estate Law.  Note: Remember this is broker pre-license, not CE or salesperson pre-license.  You should double check with the Real Estate Board to confirm what courses you need and how many hours.

Steps to take to get your VA broker license by reciprocity
1- You need to sign up for the Virginia portion of the PSI broker exam.
To sign up with PSI, there is an application at the end of the Candidate Information Booklet (pdf).  This has all the PSI info. (20 pages)
I have extracted here the 2 page Examination Registration Form and instructions.  You also need to send a copy of your current license in your other state.  Apply only for VA portion. Put 9999 for question 12 (no Virginia school for reciprocity apps).

Only apply fax or postal mail- Online not permitted for reciprocity applications not allowed via website.
Fax the application and out of state license copy to 702-932-6666.
How to use the internet to fax it: I suggest They fax up to 3 pdf pages for free.  Send your signed application (2 pages) and copy of your license. 
If by mail : PSI Examination Services VA RE, 3210 E. Tropicana Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89121  
2-  You need to study for the VA portion of the PSI broker exam.
Note:  Here are links to study for the Virginia portion of the PSI real estate exam.

ONLINE exam prep-VA state only (recommended):  Select either or both of these:
Virginia Real Estate Drill and Practice QBank v3.0   $39.00 Over 1,000 Q&As

Virginia Real Estate Exam Prep Online Video Course v2.0   $49.00 Videos plus topic reviews and practice Q&As 

BOOKS- Virginia exam prep books:
  The Practice and Law book has chapters and practice exam questions.  
View / Buy Book  $35
Buy/ Download eBook   $35

3- You need to send in the DPOR Broker License Application by Reciprocity with you and your new broker’s signature.
Note:  Link to Board web page with the license app. Your new broker might fill in the information for you.
You will need to include an original certification of your active license in your state(s).  Contact your real estate board or commission for that.  If the certificate does not state the 180 hours, you will also need to contact the school for an original proof of broker pre-license courses. (Contact the Board 804-367-8526 if a question.)
Our instructor is a Virginia broker and can answer questions on any of that.

PSI Broker Exam Questions:  The PSI broker exam has the same subjects as a salesperson exam, but a different number of questions for each subject.  For example, the broker exam has 7 questions on escrow (2 for salespersons).
Here is a pdf showing number of questions on each topic of the VA broker exam by PSI that our instructor copied and marked up. Broker-VA-PSI-state

 The above requirements are fully stated on the Broker License by Reciprocity Application to the Real Estate Board as found on the DPOR website page for brokers. Questions?
You may contact our instructor Paul Hartke online or by calling his office at 703-860-4600 ext 411 (He is the broker of National Realty in Northern Virginia.)
You may contact the Virginia Real Estate Board to verify your requirements at (804) 367-8526.

Washington DC anor Maryland license:  After you are licensed in Virginia , you can get a Washington DC or Maryland license by reciprocity, check the DC reciprocity page or the MD reciprocity license page.